Learn through examples and best practices¶. Zoe works at a university that uses MongoDB to store student records. Since her background is in SQL, Zoe reads the MongoDB Manual to learn how to build queries using the mongo shell.
2020-6-24 · Ensure default EC2 security groups are not in use in order to follow AWS security best practices. Descriptions for Security Group Rules. Ensure AWS EC2 security group rules have descriptive text for organization and documentation. EC2 AMI Too Old. Check for any AMIs older than 180 days available within your AWS account. EC2 Desired Instance Type AWS EC2 – Instana Documentation 2020-5-13 · Note: Learn about the other supported AWS services with our AWS documentation. Sensor (Data Collection) Tracked Configuration. EC2 Instance Details. Public Hostname; Instance ID; Type; Availability Zone; Public IP; AMI ID; Reservation ID Default ssh Usernames For Connecting To EC2 Instances 2020-3-10 · You can use sudo, ssh, and rsync with EC2 hosts in this configuration. If you know of other common ssh usernames from popular AMI publishers, please add notes in the comments with a link to the appropriate documentation. Amazon has added a list of some default ssh usernames in their documentation. Find application credentials - Bitnami Documentation
AWS Documentation - docs.aws.amazon.com
Sep 09, 2019 · This is done via the --user-data or --user-data-file argument to ec2-run-instances. User Data Input Formats. User data that will be acted upon by cloud-init must be in one of the following types: Gzip Compressed Content. content found to be gzip compressed will be uncompressed. The uncompressed data will then be used as if it were not compressed.
2020-3-4 · Documentation Contributor Quality of Life Ansible Docs » Ansible Roadmap » Ansible 2.5 Edit on GitHub Ansible 2.5 ¶ Core Engine Freeze and Module Freeze: 22 January 2018 Core and Curated Module Freeze: 22 January 2018 Community Module Freeze: 7 Amazon EC2 — cloud-init 20.2 documentation