I think it may be a blessing in disguise for me. Playing with Tiger and Woosie was probably a blessing in disguise. But looking at it now, it was a blessing in disguise. But now, I look at it as a blessing in disguise. I actually think El Nino has been a blessing in disguise. Once you retire, you realize that was a blessing in disguise.

Oregon Swaps Ohio State for Utah: A Blessing in Disguise Jul 23, 2020 #963383 - bronycon, changeling, changeling queen, disguise #963383 - bronycon, changeling, changeling queen, disguise, fake moustache, female, good morning baltimare, guy incognito, moustache, oc, oc:fluffle puff, plushie Opinion: San Diego New 'Complete Communities' Plan Is Jul 19, 2020

The person in disguise is a spy, the letter d is the last letter in mend, in the middle of middle and the last letter of end. When someone can’t think of a word they often say, “Err”. And lastly, I don’t know about you, but I’m not keen to kiss a spider.

MillzAndRam – Devil In Disguise Lyrics | Genius Lyrics Dec 29, 2019

An Angel in Disguise - YouTube

Christianity is communism in disguise - Page 4 Jun 29, 2020 How Cakes in Disguise Got Out of Hand