Configuring git colors (Shallow Thoughts)

Jan 05, 2019 Command Line Git Graph with Colors | Build47 The basic command is uses git log. The command below is great if you want all of the details for each commit but it makes it difficult to get an overview. relative %s Subject %Creset reset color %C(..) color specification, as described in color.branch.* config option Use Git with Visual Studio Code - Virtualization Howto

When calling git branch -vv showing the mapping of local to remote branches, the remote branches are colored blue (which is hard to read when working on the command line). How to change the color of the remote branches to e.g. yellow? I also found this Stack Overflow question which is unanswered.

.gitconfig colors · Jul 20, 2011 Git Environment Setup - javatpoint

When calling git branch -vv showing the mapping of local to remote branches, the remote branches are colored blue (which is hard to read when working on the command line). How to change the color of the remote branches to e.g. yellow? I also found this Stack Overflow question which is unanswered.

Git shell coloring · GitHub Git shell coloring. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Ultimate PowerShell Prompt Customization and Git Setup Guide Set-Alias ls Get-ChildItem-Color -option AllScope -Force Set-Alias dir Get-ChildItem-Color -option AllScope -Force Git. Now we have a nice terminal to work with, let’s get Git setup. Open up ConEmu. Add C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin to Path Variable. First up we need to add the C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin folder to our path